Merit Awards:

Molly Fancier: “strong response to design solutions, passionate, thoughtful design and critical thinking (great definition of landscape architecture), good visal rhythm, and nice presentation format!”
Talitta Reitz: “very strong narrative, social justice aspects of profession were strongly evident and genuine, very nice ‘story-board’ graphics, good verbal communication-moved nicely through each project, very brave solutions, engaging, enthusiastic, and expressed passion for people, the environment and design!”
Honor Awards
Tianyi Hao: “strong aesthetic design solutions, refreshing, engaging, insightful, nice overall synopsis and concepts, very strong and clear graphics, strong critical thinking, and verbal communication were portrayed sincerely.”
Sherida Jeffrey: “excellent and well-articulated technical design, dynamic graphics, very engaging and passionate about cultural and physical aspects of the design profession, excellent depth and diversity, strong presence – very confident, nicely done!”