How Current Events Impact our Practice

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What just Happened? A recap of 2020 and how it impacted us in a positive way.

Phew 2020 is over, but certainly not without impact. As we look back over the past year, we realized we’ve had to re-think our practice through a variety of lenses. Albeit somewhat off the fly, this re-thinking isn’t all bad – COVID made us re-think how we work, how we collaborate, and how we communicate. The disruption to the economy, combined with continued devastation from natural disasters/ large storm events has made us re-think the types of services landscape architects can provide. Please join us in a panel discussion around today’s current events and how the practice of landscape architecture can and should evolve.

BrightView Design Group (BVDG), is the creative center of BrightView, the largest landscape services company in the county.  Our small design team, 60 individuals strong, is composed of landscape planners, architects, environmentalists, arborists, horticulturists, landscape contractors, and estimators who are recognized for their expert knowledge of all things landscape related.  Our design portfolio is extensive. It crosses both the public and private sectors, and demonstrates that we’re a dedicated team with a proven record of professional commitment to improving and caring for our outdoor resources.

Leading this discussion will be Megan Horn, one of our Principals. Megan will introduce a series of topics and highlight changes we’ve faced over the last year and facilitate conservations with BVDG staff and call participants. Topics will range from staffing adjustment and workflow, to our WFH response, to ways landscape architects can contribute to beyond our traditional design services.  And if there’s time, we’d love to have a group brainstorming discussion on how, we as an industry, can come together to have greater impact and what we’ve learned over the past year.

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