Village Nurseries – A Horticulture Encounter

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Partnering with the University of California Agriculture an Natural Resources South Coast Research and Extension Center, the regional home of the UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials, Darren Haver, Jared Sisneroz, and Karrie Reid of UC ANR will give an update on the progress of the irrigation trials.

Guest Speakers:

Mary Matava, President – Agronomist, Agri Service: Developing Healthy Soils

Joe Walker, Owner, Obra Verde Growers: Integrating Australian, New Zealand and South AFrican plants in the landscape

For agenda information and other details, click HERE


Guest speakers will be accompanied by Village Nurseries’ Suzie Wiest, Regional Marketing Representative and New Plants Chair, and Nicholas Staddon, Village Nurseries Plantsman. Ms. Wiest and Mr. Staddon will introduce new plant selections as well as Village Nurseries’ field-testing program, in which you’ll have the opportunity to assist us in selecting new and high-performing plants for future landscapes.

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