Events for April 1, 2023 - February 4, 2023

ExCom Meeting

Monthly business meeting of the Chapter

Cal Poly SLO


Landscapes – Made in California With Bernard Trainor

AIA Santa Barbara Presents . . . . . The American Institute of Architects, Santa Barbara, is partnering with Ground Studio to host a presentation by Landscape Architect, Bernard Trainor. Bernard is the founding principal and design director of Ground Studio, with offices based in Monterey and Napa, California. Drawing on thirty-five years of passionate [...]


Breaking Free from Tropical Hardwoods: New Alternatives for Sustainability

Rebroadcast: Breaking Free from Tropical Hardwoods: New Alternatives for Sustainability 1.5 PDH ( LA CES-HSW) Dependency on tropical hardwoods is unsustainable given current rates of use, ecosystem degradation, and slow renewal rates. Fortunately, there are new alternatives that are durable, beautiful, and renewable. In this session, learn how to use and work with thermally modified, [...]

Drawing Matters: The Value of Drawing

A Webinar - 1.5 PDH (LA CES-non-HSW) Drawing still matters. Rather than the familiar debate over digital versus hand graphics, this session explores the value of drawing as a process connected to seeing, thinking, and engaging throughout design. We hope that you stay well, and look forward to seeing you online! REGISTER HERE

Nature Journaling Club (1st and 3rd Sunday of the month)

Join us for our new Nature Journaling Club. You will be guided in a number of different journaling exercises to simply practice observation of and connection to the natural world. Don’t worry about not having the right supplies or access to a stunning view. Nature will find its way to you anywhere and you need [...]

Women in Landscape Architecture Virtual Happy Hour

Bring your favorite libation and join us "virtually" for our first Women in Landscape Architecture Virtual Happy Hour. Led by Chapter President, Pamela Brief, we'll share our challenges and knowledge in these trying times. Please register below with your name and email to enter the raffle and to view the Zoom Invite information. REGISTER HERE Join Zoom [...]

How So Calif. Can Lead the Region to a Sustainable Future!

Join Gary Lai from AHBE/MIG for a webinar on the role of landscape architects and climate change. In 2018, the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their special report recommending keeping the world at 1.5 degrees C above pre-industrial levels by 2050.  In response, municipalities, non-governmental environmental groups and AE industry professional [...]


TCLF 2020 – Linda Ridge, Pasadena


Garden Dialogue. As an educational sponsor, ASLA Southern California is pleased to join with the Cultural Landscape Foundation in hosting one of three Garden Dialogues. It's an opportunity for small groups to visit to private and semi-private gardens, in conversation with the client and designer or landscape architect. Register Here

TCLF 2020 – Stradella Garden, Bel Air


Garden Dialogue. As an educational sponsor, ASLA Southern California is pleased to join with the Cultural Landscape Foundation in hosting one of three Garden Dialogues. It's an opportunity for small groups to visit to private and semi-private gardens, in conversation with the client and designer or landscape architect. Register Here

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