Walter Hood is the creative director and founder of Hood Design Studio in Oakland, CA and the 2018 USC Architecture American Academy in China Research Fellow. His "Jocko Goes to LA" exhibition will be on display in Watt Hall from Oct 19 - Nov 2. This exhibition is part of Hood's 2018 fellowship at the [...]
A Workshop - to convene the mental health, education, design, and environmental communities for a learning and working session to facilitate school environments that support students' mental health and well being. Lead Partners: Cal Poly Pomona Landscape Architecture and Prevention Institute Full Announcement Here
Register now for an exclusive insider's tour of the Hindry House's garden, originally designed by landscape architect Courtland Paul. See Full Announcement Here Register Here
Join the #Our Parks Coalition for parks and open space funding updates. Hear about the LA County Stormwater Measure on November's ballot and meet representatives from the agencies charged with implementing Proposition 68 park bond funding. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. Getting there: (by bus) Bus stops located within a block from Casa Italiana [...]
Two Day Class (Nov 2 - 3) Knowledge and skills for preparing plans, including demolition, grading, drainage, planting, and stormwater management. Also covers construction documentation and specifications. Advance enrollment required. No enrollment at the door. Taught by Angela Woodward, ASLA, landscape architect (CA 2126). For over 10 years Angela has taught LARE Prep classes and [...]
Knowledge and skills for preparing plans, including demolition, grading, drainage, planting, and stormwater management. Also covers construction documentation and specifications. Advance enrollment required. No enrollment at the door. Taught by Angela Woodward, ASLA, landscape architect (CA 2126). For over 10 years Angela has taught LARE Prep classes and mentored many candidates to success. She has [...]
2018 Fall Mixer Cal Poly Pomona Department of Landscape Architecture and our Landscape Architecture Professional Advisory Board invite you to join us to celebrate our landscape architecture community! Join us for a happy hour to catch-up on the start of our very first fall semester and our plans for the year ahead! This event is [...]
Knowledge and skills required for site design from principles of design and initial programming through preliminary design stages. Revised exam includes analysis, details, and design materials. Advance enrollment required; no enrollment at the door. Taught by Angela Woodward, ASLA, landscape architect (CA 2126). For over 10 years Angela has taught LARE Prep classes and mentored [...]