Our Schools

Cal Poly Pomona       Cal Poly San Luis Obispo       UCLA       USC

The purpose of the Student Chapters shall be to bring students together through organized activities that:

  • Are consistent with the purpose and policies of the Society
  • Enhance understanding of the Society, the profession, and related disciplines
  • Improve skills and knowledge and complement the educational curriculum
  • Encourage participation in the programs and activities of the Society, its professional chapters, and other student and student affiliate chapters

ASLA Student Member Benefits:

  • A subscription to Landscape Architecture Magazine – a must have publication for both LA students and professionals
  • A subscription to LAND Our bi-weekly online newsletter, which is full of interesting news and information
  • Access to Member portion of ASLA’s website (www.asla.org). With your ASLA member number you’ll be able to logon to the secured portion of ASLA’s website. Critical information and resources will now be readily accessible any time of the day or night!
  • Access to ASLA’s JobLink This is a vital resource for any graduating student seeking employment. Post your résumé for free!

Liaison to Students: Tricia O’Connell, ASLA

Past Chairs

Kim Rhodes, ASLA
Carlos Flores, ASLA
Kim Rhodes, ASLA
Pamela Panattoni, ASLA
Steve Lang, ASLA
Stephanie Landregan, ASLA
Almabeth Anderson, ASLA
Nick Straabe, ASLA

Cal Poly Pomona

The Department, located in southern California, with the presence of coastal, mountain, and desert terrain, and in the context of one of the major metropolitan centers of the world, offers our students a unique learning opportunity. We invite you to learn more about our undergraduate and graduate programs.


Interim Department Chair: Claire Latane’
Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture

Student Chapter Co-Presidents:   Elvis Leon – elvisleon@cpp.edu + Amanda Lee – amandaslee@cpp.edu

Other Student Officers:

Treasurer:  Jamie Detera –  jcdeterra@cpp.edu 
Secretary:  Maia Cherin – mcherin@cpp.edu

Upcoming Cal Poly Pomona Events

There are no upcoming events.

Cal Poly Pomona News

Congratulations to the ASLA Honor and Merit Award Winners from Cal Poly Pomona

June 17th, 2024|Comments Off on Congratulations to the ASLA Honor and Merit Award Winners from Cal Poly Pomona

The 2024 jury consisted of Stacey Isaac, ASLA, Landscape Architect; Bob Borthwick, Emeritus ASLA formerly of Borthwick Guy Bettenhausen;  David Dahlke, ASLA of Studio MLA; and Zinni Zhang, ASLA of Fiore Landscape Design BSLA Winners [...]

SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

April 24th, 2024|Comments Off on SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

Each year, the So. Calif. Chapter of ASLA hosts, by invitation only, a unique field trip where students from each of our chapter universities (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, USC and UCLA) [...]

Students Grow Here Campaign

October 20th, 2020|Comments Off on Students Grow Here Campaign

Our students are our future. The ASLA Fund is launching our Students Grow Here campaign that focuses on our future landscape architects. Landscape architects play a vital role in climate change mitigation —and that’s why [...]

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Architecture of the landscape, at every scale: small, large or regional, is a profound and important human experience, and to put all of its elements together in a harmonious and sustainable way requires a thorough understanding of the natural systems, technical knowledge of the infrastructure, astute planning, communication skills, artistic acumen, and poetic sense.

It needs a careful orchestration of teaching skills and scholarship to provide quality education for this challenging field, and we at Cal Poly have the national reputation for it. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo faculty is deeply committed to bringing this to a higher level of perfection. There is no better landscape setting than San Luis Obispo to study landscape architecture. Also, we are only three hours away from two of the major urban corridors of the world: San Francisco Bay Area.


Department Chair: Beverly Bass
Landscape Architecture Department

Student Chapter President:     Neil Hudson – nahudson@calpoly.edu

Other Student Officers:
Vice President:  April Beall – adbeall@calpoly.edu
Treasurer:  Quinn Gunderson – qgunders@calpoly.edu
Secretary: Hannah Huntley- hmhuntle@calpoly.edu

Upcoming Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Events

There are no upcoming events.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo News

2024 LA Bash

April 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on 2024 LA Bash

A rainy and cold 3 day event, LABash, the landscape architecture conference for students, by students, was held March 28-30 at the University of California Davis in Davis, CA. After more than a year of [...]

Cal Poly Awards ASLA Honor and Merit Awards

March 30th, 2023|Comments Off on Cal Poly Awards ASLA Honor and Merit Awards

Congratulations to the following 2023 ASLA Honor and Merit Award winning student recipients from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Honor Awards:  Maryam Abutabikh; Emma Fae Smolik; Jose Andrade Merit Awards:  Chad Schuler; Presley German; Yuen [...]

UCLA Extension

UCLA Extensions Landscape Architecture Program has been around for 34 years. It is one of only two evening programs in the United States. The primary goal for the Landscape Architecture Certificate program is to provide an opportunity for individuals with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree to pursue a rigorous program of part-time study that prepares them to enter the field of landscape architecture, incorporating the highest standards of professional practice. The program particularly serves career-change students seeking to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming landscape architecture professionals.


Stephanie Landregan, FASLA, LEED BD+D, RLA
Landscape Architecture Program Director
Horticulture and Gardening Program Director
Phone: 310.825.9414

Student Chapter President: Jen Moody – hellojenmoody@gmail.com

Other Student Officers:
Vice President:  Zoe Marans Zoemarans@gmail.com
Secretary: Mia Skolnik – mtdangora@gmail.com
Treasurer: Chris Ritter – chrisritter16@gmail.com

Upcoming UCLA Extension Events

There are no upcoming events.

UCLA Extension Program News

SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

April 24th, 2024|Comments Off on SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

Each year, the So. Calif. Chapter of ASLA hosts, by invitation only, a unique field trip where students from each of our chapter universities (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, USC and UCLA) [...]

UCLA Students Receive Honor and Merit Awards

October 3rd, 2022|Comments Off on UCLA Students Receive Honor and Merit Awards

Congratulations to this year's Honor and Merit Awards for the UCLA Extension   Katelyn Rheinschild - Honor Award Michael Meskin - Merit Award Ethan Fisher - Honor Award Kira Becker - Honor Award    

Students Grow Here Campaign

October 20th, 2020|Comments Off on Students Grow Here Campaign

Our students are our future. The ASLA Fund is launching our Students Grow Here campaign that focuses on our future landscape architects. Landscape architects play a vital role in climate change mitigation —and that’s why [...]


The USC Landscape Architecture + Urbanism program develops real-world issues, formulates and re-formulates problems, explores and proposes operative strategies and becomes part of the discourse with stakeholders and cities. The resistive capacity of the landscape to the ever-globalizing, homogenization of territories is created as a means to shape possible futures for parks, neighborhoods, city districts and the larger stewardship of the landscape.

USC’s programs draw their inspiration from the, energy and dynamism of Los Angeles itself, a complex, blend of urban life and cultural diversity. Blessed with a mild climate, yet at risk from earthquakes and other natural or, manmade disasters, LA is a city that has learned to take, environmental and ecological questions seriously. Above all, Los Angeles is a highly original, experimental city that, consistently challenges preconceptions and serves as an, incubator for new ideas and practices.


Department Chair: Alison B. Hirsch, PhD FAAR
Director, Master of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism Program
Phone: 213.740.9341

Student Chapter Co-Presidents: Zoe Detweiler – zdetweil@usc.edu + Mark Reid – reidm@usc.edu

Other Student Officers:
Vice President: Kavya Gudihal – gudihal@usc.edu
Treasurer: Sally Xing –  yunxing@usc.edu
Secretary:  Jordan Fucci – jordanef@usc.edu

Upcoming USC Events

There are no upcoming events.

USC News & Events

SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

April 24th, 2024|Comments Off on SoCal Students Attend Annual Student Field Trip

Each year, the So. Calif. Chapter of ASLA hosts, by invitation only, a unique field trip where students from each of our chapter universities (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, USC and UCLA) [...]

Students Grow Here Campaign

October 20th, 2020|Comments Off on Students Grow Here Campaign

Our students are our future. The ASLA Fund is launching our Students Grow Here campaign that focuses on our future landscape architects. Landscape architects play a vital role in climate change mitigation —and that’s why [...]