Events for February 25 - May 6, 2022 › Climate Action Committee

Wildfire Taskforce Summit


Please join SoCal President-Elect, Melanie Buffa, ASLA and SoCal Climate Action Chair, Alyssa Moffitt, Assoc. ASLA for this very important hour long Summit. Dial by your location 1 669 444 9171 Meeting ID: 833 9247 3730 Passcode: 663268


Are You Ready to Grow ?


"Harnessing the power of native plants to enable future generations to flourish” Native plants are more than just beautiful – they provide essential habitats for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife facing increasing threats.  By integrating native species in the spaces where we live, work, and play, we create lifelines that support biodiversity and help ecosystems thrive. Learn [...]

USGBC Wildfire Defense Certificate Training

Wildfire Defense Certificate Training - Landscape Pros Online Event A 150-minute training on fire risk reduction and community safety through landscaping. Reserve Here   Screenshot

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