Meet Your Chapter Candidates for the 2021-2022 Election
Associate, Full, Full Fellow and International Members are eligible to vote. Digital ballots were sent under separate cover on July 15 if you are voting members. Election closes on August 13, 2021.
Evan Mather, FASLA, PLA, SITES® AP; AHBE/MIG, Inc, Los Angeles
I am a Principal and Director of Landscape Architecture with MIG – based in our downtown Los Angeles office. Prior to our acquisition by MIG, I had been with AHBE Landscape Architects for over fifteen years – where my focus was and continues to be the delivery of sustainable projects within the public realm: parks and open spaces, streetscapes and transportation networks, campuses for education, healthcare, retail, and hospitality.
I am most interested in digging deep and revealing the stories inherent in the context, history, geology, ecology, and culture of a project site – primarily in the Los Angeles metropolis. My commitment to this region led me to seek a position on our ASLA Southern California executive committee, where I have served as Chapter Treasurer and Fellows Chair for the last four years.
I am now running for Chapter President because I believe that as a chapter, we could be doing more to retain and serve our existing members, give lapsed members a reason to return, and encourage new members to join. Speaking to colleagues who are not members of ASLA, it usually comes down to money. As a chapter, are we doing enough to communicate the value of joining our professional organization? I believe the Chapter President is ultimately accountable to membership – current and potential – in communicating the value of being a member of ASLA. This is what I believe is currently missing, and why I am running. Thank you for your consideration.