PARK(ing) Day 2020 is the perfect time to bring fresh ideas and the landscape architect’s skill to the streetscapes already being altered in response to the pandemic—and that may remain in place well past the current emergency. This year’s PARK(ing) Day challenge is to explore the design of imaginative curbside spaces for restaurants, businesses, recreation, and other public uses that adhere to safe, socially distant principles — all within the confines of a parking space (or two).

Your PARK(ing) Day Challenge … There are three ways to participate:

1) Take photos of existing repurposed street-side spaces and streetscapes in your community that reflect good design principles and share them. Be sure to include the designer’s name if you know it.

2) Build out a traditional PARK(ing) Day space that is a model for curbside activity in our COVID-19 world.

3) Or draw, sketch, or build a model of a virtual solution that demonstrates how in this time of crisis, and later in the post-pandemic world, streets (with the help of landscape architects) can be transformed.

Traditional PARK(ing) Day spaces are fun and creative, and of course the virtual versions can be, too.

Then, on September 18, post your images on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #ASLAParkingDay and #OurTurf. And be sure to say how your idea could impact your community’s response to the pandemic—and beyond—and how landscape architects can take the lead.

ASLA will compile the posts and select the best of the best among real and imaginary designs from student, firm, and chapter submissions and highlight them across ASLA’s national communications platforms. Good luck and have fun