The Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) is preparing to launch its Job Task Analysis (JTA), a study of the practice of landscape architecture that forms the basis of the Landscape Architecture Registration Exam (L.A.R.E.). We are asking for your participation in the survey that will launch the week of February 1.

If you are a CLARB Council Record Holder, you may receive an invitation to participate in the survey from CLARB’s partner, Professional Testing, Inc.,. an industry expert that is administering the survey and analyzing the results. Please watch your email inbox for this important invitation. If not, please check CLARB’s website and social media next week for details.

Your participation in the JTA survey is vital to its success:

· Ensuring all critical aspects of licensed practice are recognized: As the scope of practice of a landscape architect evolves so should the licensure exam. Your input helps ensure the exam stays defensible and relevant.

· Ensuring that your voice is heard: Provides you with an opportunity to inform the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for future landscape architects, and ensures that the voice of your jurisdiction’s landscape architects is represented in the survey analysis.

· Strengthening the case for licensure and your scope of practice: The results will demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities that landscape architects rely on to protect the public’s health, safety and welfare.

· Requires only 30 minutes of your time.

The survey will be open starting February 1. To thank you for your time, CLARB is randomly selecting 17 survey respondents to win Visa gift cards in the amounts of $100 to $500. The winners will be chosen when the survey closes.


If you have questions about the JTA, please feel free to contact CLARB at


Thank you in advance for participating in this vital study of the landscape architecture professio